God of Wonders by Pat Uwaje-King Lyrics

God of Wonders by Pat Uwaje-King Lyrics

Verse 1:

Idi Ebube, Idi omimi
(You are Glorious, You are unsearcheable)
Idikwa itunanya
(You do awesome Wonders)
Ikariri echiche mmadu
(You are bigger than the Human Mind)
Odighi onye dika gi
(There is no One like You)
Eze (King)
Idi Ebube, Idi omimi
(You are Glorious, You are unsearcheable)
Idikwa itunanya
(You do awesome Wonders)
Ikariri echiche mmadu
(You are bigger than the Human Mind)
Odighi onye dika gi
(There is no One like You)
Idi Ebube, Idi omimi
(You are Glorious, You are unsearcheable)
Idikwa itunanya
(You do awesome Wonders)
Ikariri echiche mmadu
(You are bigger than the Human Mind)
Odighi onye dika gi
(There is no One like You)
God of Wonders
Invisible God
You are Great
You do Miracles so Great 
God of Wonders
Invisible God
You are Great
You do Miracles so Great
God of Wonders
Invisible God
You are Great
You do Miracles so Great
Verse 2:
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
God of Wonders
Invisible God
You are Great
You do Miracles so Great
God of Wonders
Invisible God
You are Great
You do Miracles so Great
Verse 2:
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised
Idi ebube
(You are Glorious)
Ikariri ihie asi n’ibu
(You are Bigger than what people say)
Onyeoma Me
(My Good God)
You are worthy to be praised

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